What is Flash Crash (flash crash)?
Flash Crash (instant collapse) is a sharp drop in prices in the stock, currency or futures market, which can be tens of percent.…
Can A Stock Go Negative?
There are numerous professional stock traders who have made a name for themselves in the dynamic stock market. However, it is…
3 simple steps to overcome trader block
After closing a winning or losing trade, a trader can experience what today is commonly known as a “trader’s block”. In simple…
Trading at home
Usually we imagine the work of a trader on the stock exchange or a huge office among dozens or even hundreds of colleagues, a…
How Does Dollar-Cost Averaging Work?
Active trading can be stressful, time-consuming, and not yield the desired results. On the other hand, there are…
What is binary trading in forex?
In the world of developing technologies binary trading occupies its own niche. Many people make a shot at trading in forex in the…
What is devaluation, its positive and negative aspects, and how it differs…
The exchange rate of the national currency against other world currencies is one of the most important indicators of the state of…
The Dollar Index: What It Is, How It’s Defined
Investors rely on a variety of tools in an attempt to determine the current and future state of the market. This set includes…
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