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Trader’s workplace
The merchant profession is often presented as a type of occupation that requires a minimum of time, thought and responsibility.…
Who to become: Trader, Investor or Manager?
When a person comes to Forex, to a broker in an office, for example, immediately or after training he is faced with the question…
Why does someone win at Forex, but not you?
As has been said more than once, the percentage of successful traders is quite low compared to how many people try their hand at…
A Brief History of Forex: How the World’s Largest Market Has Evolved
In the early 1970s, foreign exchange was a rarely discussed topic. The few market participants who dealt in Forex were primarily…
What are penny stocks?
Penny stocks, also known as “junk” stocks, are securities of small or problem-riddled companies that usually trade at a price of…
How to understand forex charts
While forex charts might look daunting at first glance, don’t be deterred. We explore the basics of reading charts so you know…
Managing emotions in trading
Those who traded on the stock exchange are well aware of how difficult it is to make a profit and how easy it is to lose a…
What Is a Stock Index?
A stock index is used to describe the stock market's performance or a specific part of it and compare the returns on investments.…
Forex trading mindset
Often, when watching American films, one comes across such a concept as "Working mood" - the boss tries to rally his team by…
How to calculate GDP: explained briefly in simple terms
How to find GDP: what is taken into account when calculating
GDP or gross domestic product is measured to assess the state of…